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Microaggressions and harassment at work

Microaggressions and workplace harassment refer to small, daily, brief and commonplace verbal, behavioral and behavioral violence, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicates harmful hostile, derogatory or negative insults and slurs toward any group, usually based on differences in gender/sex, age, race, class, nationality, among others.


With this course, Corewoman seeks to raise awareness about the existence of microaggressions in the workplace, and how they can affect gender equality in organizations; and to provide strategies to manage them. To understand gender gaps in the work environment.

Expected changes

People open to changing behaviors that contribute to microaggressions and gender inequity, and willing to mitigate the impact of their unconscious biases.

Corporate Content

1. What are microaggressions?

2. Types of microaggressions

3. Evidence: Gender-based microaggressions in the STEM environment

4. Microaggressions in men and women

5. Common phrases we often say that are microaggressions.

6. What is harassment at work

7. Workplace bullying in Latin America in figures

8. How to identify cases of microaggressions and workplace harassment in the organization.

9. Negative effects of microaggressions and harassment in the work environment

10. Microaggressions in both genders (microaggressions in men and in women)

11. What benefits can it bring to the organization to have an environment free of harassment and microaggressions?

12. How to manage microaggressions in the work environment

13. How to manage harassment in the workplace

14. Evidence: Sectorial study on gender equity for the Mining-Energy sector.

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